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  • Donald W


    2424 times


    February 14, 2005







  • About Me

    • All kinds of music from motown to heavy rock to rap and r & b.

    • Almost any type of movie doesn't matter to me as long as it's entertaining

    • I like most TV shows but I'm into documentaries watching HGTV The Cooking Channel things of that nature

    • No have any particular author I don't have much time to read books anymore

    • I like all sports except for auto racing and I don't like wrestling

    • My children and whoever I end up being with their lives also is important as much as my life

    • We have many dreams but I would love to be with my youngest child and watch him grow and continue to help my other children and see them become more independent and self-sufficient

    • I don't know if it's a feature or not but it's a quality that I have within me is that I'm an honorable person and there's not too many people like that around here so I think that would be my best feature is that I'm going to do the right things at the right time

    • My name is Donald and I've been here in this area for about 9 years I know my status on my profile says separated but my separated spouse lives in California with no chance of ever coming here it's very complicated as many people always question situations like that everybody's situation when they go into the courtroom is different so you can't say one person situation is similar to the other being that said I'm a good and decent person I'm a man is looking for somebody who's committed to be in a long term relationship if there is a probability of having another child I would look for that but if not I have 5 wonderful children one that lives here in Alabama before others live in California and they're all grown I normally date women between the age of 24 + 50 I don't see age as being an issue is people's personality and their persona that's always the issue all I know is most of the women I have spoken to in this region they don't show signs of dedication they treat you like you're a drive thru menu when they seem to forget all we are are human and everyone deserves to be treated as a human and not a number so if you do contact me please be respectful as I will be that way too.