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  • Guy W


    3164 times


    one crazy oll country boy God bless america.

    April 27, 2005







  • About Me

    • country . ghosple . oldies.

    • kellys heroes on dangerous gorund. under seage

    • N.C.I. S. C.S.I. Law and order.

    • JD. Raobb eve dallas searies. The Holy Bible. left behind searies.

    • am not all that into sprots.

    • being the best man i can for my God my country family and friends. . To spread the good news of Jesus christ. and to bee a help when i interest will include But are not limited to art drawing people watching

    • to preach the good news of my lard and saviour Jesus Christ to answer the call to minister to serve my God and my country and spreding smiles and the good news of jesus christ. to bee the best man i can old school diffnetly country of corse. American born southern and christin bread and raised and proud of it God bless american again

    • ive been told my smile and my personailty other than that youll have to tell me

    • kinda what you see is what you get an oll country boy whos been in the city a bit too long. i was raised in a samll town where it was textiles and farming. in a good christin familey thank god i do atend church sundays and am chirstin. as wel as a leagley licenced minister just not a working one ime afraid my hrones still tend to tilt my so called haylo. now and then yea ive got a noughty kinky side end up doing a bit of fantiseing and day dreameing . Ime Ameican by birth southern and christin raised am not porticaly or socaily corect and dont inted too bee, but guess ill bee have for now Mabyee