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  • Richard C


    5517 times


    Dancer Richard

    June 8, 2005







  • About Me

    • The Great American Clasics = Gherswin - Porter = Berlin and Mercer

    • Gone With The Wind =- A Thousand Clowns - The Godfather - Some Like It Hot - The Hospital

    • Seinfeld - Friends - Taxi

    • Grapes of Wrath - Elmer Gantry - To Kill A Mockingbird

    • SF 49'ers - SF Giants - Golf

    • Gold - Reading - Dancing - Travel

    • No dreams - just take like each day as it comes to me and try not to judge others - just mind my own side of the street and keep it neat and tidy

    • Not so pretty but my heart is as big as the day is long and I like people - all types and sizes

    • Girls let me share something with you - when your Knight in Shining Armor shows on his great White Charger, and he says to you, "Follow me and I will give you everything you need" - well do your self a favor and leave as fast as you can , WITH THE HORSE - believe me you'll be much better off.