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  • laura iancu

    Over 3 months ago

    1969 times


    unconditional love, reptilian, feline, greys, Sirius A, Barnard System, 36 Andromedae

    April 17, 2010




    Caucasian/White, Other



  • About Me

    • 432 Hertz

    • Sci fi, Adventure, Fantasy

    • none

    • ancient knoeledge

    • all sports that are NOT ! violent : )

    • restoring all things " it was in the beginning" and living in "Unconditional" love

    • My dream may be large, but I will tell you. I want some one to donate a house with land in the country here in Minnesota to us and with my EIN number for "Rescue Me Now" will continue to rescue the a bused, the un wanted : * (, and those recovering from illnesses. I will give them my "Unconditional" love continuously and care for them un til they decide to leave this plain. Iam with little now at 721 a month, and do what I can to help those I have with me now. It is pain full to see one leave, but I knoe in my heart that one day they will be back. if only I could get a bigger place now for those I have now. One may say it is a tall order to ask this, but so many donate buildings and land and estates to churches, so why not help some one who has a dream to save life with what Iam given : * ( I hope some one out there sees this and would consider us to make the lifes on this earth better. I truly hope so. Have a great nite / day. Hug and Kiss, mwaw !

    • average

    • i live in "Unconditional love, have 8 children and 5 grand children. i do what i can to help. all beings and creations be blessed and no harm come to any for infinitum, be and amein.

    • YOU are going to question all things, cause all is a lie, and you will take back your freedoms, demand clean food, clean water, clean air to breathe and will no longer be a slave to these reptilians or their agendas. Get them OUT ! oF all offices on this planet and be free a gain ! R-E-V-O-L-T !!!! You demand FREE ENERGY and demand the rights to live free !!! R-E-V-O-L-T !!!!!

    • Look for SSSS frequency on "YOU TUBE", and throw out your televisions. Stop listening to music cause they use a frequency of 440 Hertz to destroy your body, and all things, in stead of using the pure frequency in music of 432 Hertz. Take back your lifes, and R-E-V-O-L-T !!!!!

    • Hi, I want all of you to knoe that I love you. I really love you. Every one of you on this planet is precious. Whether negative or positive you are suppose to be here and more than wanted. I want you to knoe that change only will happen if you push to ward it. I do it under a lot of sad ness with my furry friends beings sick and harass ment of neighbors. I moved here to Crosby, Mn december 15,2014 and some of these beings have done so much to me to cause much tears, but I love them and knoe that they won't al ways be like that. I have seen to many beings change to positive ( in cluding me ) to knoe that they will. Iam happy for all the giftd, tags, and such. Iam happy to knoe that you think of me and care e nough to post a note. I ask you to think of my furry friends here to that are battling cancer, Fiv, and FIP. Please ? In all, I love you and I thank you. Hug and kiss to all, mwaw !

    • Non Profit "Rescue Me Now " In Need Of Help !