Suresh S
1172 times
I am Laughter
July 5, 2005
English, Français, Español - México
About Me
Indian and Western Classical music, songs of 60's and 70's and all instrumental music
An Affair to Remember, Woman of straw, Kramer vs Kramer, Two women, Chase a crooked shadow, Strangers on a train, Astragale (Fr), Les aventures du Rabbi Jacob Fr).
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All books written by Henry James, Saul Bellow, Issac Bashevis Singer, Philip Roth, Francine Prose, Jhumpa Lahiri, Alber Camus (L'etrange), Simone de Beauvoir (Les Mandarins), Andre Malraux, Jean-Paul Sartre, (Fr), all works of Gabriel garcia Marquez, Mario Vargas Llosa (Spanish)
Tennis and baseball, players John McInroe, Rafael Nadal, Yanquees and Great Giants
Indian and Western Classical music (vocal and instrumental), Jazz.
To be loved by an intelligent and beautiful lady.
My smiling face
I worked for over 42 years in all, 36 of them in the IRS in my country and six years in the UNITED NATIONS, New York, USA as a Senior Economist. However, I am just your average guy next door, with no hang-ups of any kind and try to laugh more at myself and at the world around me at the slightest pretext. Humor is the basic ingredient of my life. I have known more ‘downs’ than ‘ups’ in life and the only reason why/how I survived is due to my innate sense of humor. I have great interest in all the religions and philosophies of life. My response to the knocks at my door have resulted in humility, compassion and equanimity in life. I have no regrets about any decisions I made in my life. There have been times when I think I may have made the wrong decision but learned and grew and was stronger for the experience. I have lived my life to the fullest with not a single dull moment.