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  • Suresh S


    1172 times


    I am Laughter

    July 5, 2005



    English, Français, Español - México

  • About Me

    • Indian and Western Classical music, songs of 60's and 70's and all instrumental music

    • An Affair to Remember, Woman of straw, Kramer vs Kramer, Two women, Chase a crooked shadow, Strangers on a train, Astragale (Fr), Les aventures du Rabbi Jacob Fr).

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    • All books written by Henry James, Saul Bellow, Issac Bashevis Singer, Philip Roth, Francine Prose, Jhumpa Lahiri, Alber Camus (L'etrange), Simone de Beauvoir (Les Mandarins), Andre Malraux, Jean-Paul Sartre, (Fr), all works of Gabriel garcia Marquez, Mario Vargas Llosa (Spanish)

    • Tennis and baseball, players John McInroe, Rafael Nadal, Yanquees and Great Giants

    • Indian and Western Classical music (vocal and instrumental), Jazz.

    • To be loved by an intelligent and beautiful lady.

    • My smiling face

    • I worked for over 42 years in all, 36 of them in the IRS in my country and six years in the UNITED NATIONS, New York, USA as a Senior Economist. However, I am just your average guy next door, with no hang-ups of any kind and try to laugh more at myself and at the world around me at the slightest pretext. Humor is the basic ingredient of my life. I have known more ‘downs’ than ‘ups’ in life and the only reason why/how I survived is due to my innate sense of humor. I have great interest in all the religions and philosophies of life. My response to the knocks at my door have resulted in humility, compassion and equanimity in life. I have no regrets about any decisions I made in my life. There have been times when I think I may have made the wrong decision but learned and grew and was stronger for the experience. I have lived my life to the fullest with not a single dull moment.