Hasna Budi Linawati
748 times
October 15, 2014
Indonesia, Basa Jawa, English
About Me
"As time goes by we'll see. But the most important is why can we reach it not how." [my own theory]
"I don't care what you think. If I like it then I'll do it."[my own theory]
"We're all a lot, but we're all alone." [my own theory]
"Jika aku ingin maka akan aku lakukan. Tapi tidak semua yang aku lakukan karena aku ingin." [my own theory]
"WAGU means : Wonderful, Amazing, Great, and Uhm that is not true at all!" [my own theory]
"Hakikatku apa yang aku pikirkan bukan yang aku rasakan." ["My nature is that I think, not what I feel."] [Albert Einstein]
"Logika akan membawa anda dari A ke B. Imajinasi akan membawa anda kemana-mana." [“Logic will get you from A to Z. Imagination will get you everywhere.”] [Albert Einstein]
"WAGU means : Wonderful, Amazing, Great, and Uhm that is not true at all!" [my own theory] "As time goes by we'll see. But the most important is why can we reach it not how." [my own theory] "We're all a lot, but we're all alone." [my own theory] "Jika aku ingin maka akan aku lakukan. Tapi tidak semua yang aku lakukan karena aku ingin." [my own theory] "I don't care what you think. If I like it then I'll do it."[my own theory] "Hakikatku apa yang aku pikirkan bukan yang aku rasakan." ["My nature is that I think, not what I feel."] [Albert Einstein] "Logika akan membawa anda dari A ke B. Imajinasi akan membawa anda kemana-mana." [“Logic will get you from A to Z. Imagination will get you everywhere.”] [Albert Einstein]
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