Self Massage Therapy
Coming to a massage therapist for a session is a real treat, but taking care of yourself or those close to you with massage is something that's easy to do and effective. Since most of us can't afford a massage every day, self-massage offers a good al Coming to a massage therapist for a session is a real treat, but taking care of yourself or those close to you with massage is something that's easy to do and effective. Since most of us can't afford a massage every day, self-massage offers a good alternative. It also gives us a means to treat ourselves and take our wellness into our own hands. If you'd like more information, or a demonstration, please ask me to show you during or before your next session. Most of these can be done once a day, or as needed for the problem you're trying to relieve. The routines can last anywhere from 2 minutes to 15 minutes.
Personal Groups - Work/Office - Other